The ceremony

Final Work for Master’s in Graphic Design

Highlighting wedding-related waste in 2023 USA wedding industry through an exhibtion design.

Inspired by Stefan Sagmeister’s Happy Show exhibition.

The exhibition will offer visitors the experience of walking through the different stages of wedding while reading the corresponding infographics challenging both wedding-related waste and societal norms.

The exhibition aims to raise awareness, question societal norms,  and provoke self-reflection.  

Upon entry, guests would receive an exhibition booklet to follow along.

Design elements, such as colors and typography, are to resemble the modern-day wedding and contradict the disturbing research.

The signature cocktail menu compares wedding-related statistics from the 1930s to the modern day.

An interactive activity involves guests selecting a colored band that represents their emotions and placing it on a cake-shaped tack board. Together, they can explore and understand each other's feelings while collaboratively constructing a cake under societal influences.

Room four holds significant importance as it sheds light on and suggests a potential rationale for the observed increase in overall wedding expenditures in the United States.

A second interactive activity entails guests picking up one of the two suspended phones on the wall and listening. A brief jingle addressing wedding-related waste arising from prolonged wedding durations and societal expectations will be played.

The rate of divorce is on the rise across generations. The question arises: is this increase correlated with the growing prevalence of technology and/or societal pressures?

Mirrors adorn the far wall, accompanied by cynical statistics written in red. Confronting one's reflection compels visitors to contemplate the exhibition and prompts self-reflection.